Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tea and Biscuits.. Made for Each other..

Tea and Biscuits

Tea and Biscuits,
What a combination,
It seems to be made in heaven,
Every bite is infinitely better when dipped in tea,
why it so happens is still a mystery,
be it Bourbon, Monaco or the omnipresent Parle G,
its something to dip a biscuit in tea..

Accidents do occur, its heartbreaking to see ur biscuit break in half,
but such is life, and thats why its best to forget about it with a laugh :)
No matter how many u eat, there is always a crave for some more,
and that is precisely what keeps happy the nearby kirane wala store :)

This was the story of Biscuits and Tea,
one that will surely go down in every body's memory..

Another approriate heading for this post - Why some poems dont get published!! :D


Aditya Kasavaraju said...

Lolz I prefer biscuits n coffee always !! but the meanin of the poem doesnt change ...coz its the same essense ;)
cute one :)

Ananya said...

hehe..cute poem :D
the conceptuality between the tea n biscuit is really worth appreciating! :)

Sam said...

Hey this one is like.. u knw rite out of schooldays.. the kind we might come across in say nursey... to be able to write in such a manner requires good skill and imagination... darn good effort.. adn well really cute!! :)

Azzy said...

cute poem, i like my bourbon buiscuits with milk and horlicks though :-)but...nicely written lines...easy and precise...nice combo!!

P.S: i too hate it when my buiscuit breaks!! it gets all soggy...
den i "grrrrr" like a doggie! :x

Unknown said...

lolzz............neat poem prateek....uv heard tht frm me everytym.but i guess the funs in reading tht ryt. :D

lyk mosta the folks i lurved this line:

Accidents do occur, its heartbreaking to see ur biscuit break in half,

lol..pretty descriptive poem u have thr sirji..... :)

cute simple n yet quite appropriate :D

Prateek Shah said...

@ Aditya

well i personally am not a big fan of it, but love to see that even Coffee lovers have related to the poem :)

@ Sweet Magpie

:) thanks for the appreciation.

@ Sam

u know i sincerely hope they'd put this in one of those Nursery Rhyme books :D

i dont really know about the skill and imagination, but thanks for finding it cute :)

@ Asreen

u know i have a glass of "Chocolate Horlicks" almost daily, and it just so happens that at times i have it with a Bourbon biscuit :D

well we all hate it when it breaks and gets soggy, but the perfect remedy is to keep a spoon around, atleast saving the drink from getting spoiled!

Sh@s said...

Am glad u wrote this poem coz hardly anybody writes on simple or mundane things like this.

It was fun reading it. =)

Prateek Shah said...

@ Shas - Thanks a lot :) And i am really glad you liked it :)

Prateek Shah said...

Heyy everybody, well here's my second shot at poetry! Would appreciate if you could take a look 'Rain' @