Thursday, December 10, 2009

In Love..all over again

In Love..all over again

It was an year and 332 days ago that we parted. It was the abrupt end of a long term relation, one that left me deeply shattered. There never were any fights, we did not quibble over petty issues, the association was always in sync, but the inevitable happened. Call it my carelessness, or the bad habit of not paying attention to small things, i just lost her. I tried to get back, with many futile attempts at making contact, but i failed, i failed miserably. She just disappeared from my life..and there was little hope of coming back. There was once a time when we used to stay connected all through the day, and then, there was nothing. There were moments when she would make me laugh, feel elated or get me thinking, and then, there was nothing. I was her and she was me, we were inseparable, and then, there was nothing. 

They say in life, one must never say never. I think they are right. We finally met one more time, after oh so long. It was love all over again. It seemed like she never went away. The feelings that she evoked all those years ago came back gushing at me. It made me go singing and dancing just like the old days, felt like life was filled with a new found vigour, a brand new enthusiasm. I guess this is the beautiful feeling they call love.. The music, the madness, the late night talks, the early morning pepped up conversations,the companionship during all those journeys, they just all came back. 

P.S :  I parted with my love, my FM player an year ago, and we reunited recently.