Crazy Date Night
It was on the suggestion of my friend, that i went. Didn't know who it was gonna be till it was revealed while on the way to the place. Wasn't too sure about the whole thing even when i got to know about it, but that's ok. You've got to take chances in life.
Reached in the nick of time, she was already there. First look, not bad. Can't really say how her reaction was. I am bad at judging. Though, i am not sure if there was any. She was too engrossed in telling her side of the story. She talks, talks and talks some more. There is some silence in short gaps, and then she goes on. But i was not complaining or getting bored at all. Engrossed in just watching her. Its not like she was the most beautiful person ever, but just that she was quite interesting.
A good half an hour into the conversation, i order - a Burger. Unusual choice? Weren't too many good options i say. So burger it was. She didn't have anything till later in the evening. Lots of more crazy conversation continued, where she spoke and i laughed on her jokes.
Finally after an hour and 28 mins we called it a date(Not too sure if that's even a phrase).
In entirety, Crazy Date Night. Short but nice. Burger was ok. Good fun in all.
Oh, in case you are wondering who is being talked about. Then here's the link to her profile - (open in new window, so that you can come back and comment!)