Whether Weather Best Breaks Ice?
Picture this - A social gathering. You are there. You meet people. You dont really know them. You have nothing to talk about. You think. You feel uncomfortable. You think again. There's silence.. And then somebody says the magical words - "Its really hot today". Then the whole lot pitches in, "yes yes!" , "actually its more humid than its hot", "there is no breeze", "it should rain sometime soon i tell you", "its all because of global warming" and on go the weather experts to finally end up in a real time conversation.
Incase you havent been able to comprehend what this was all about, then dont blame yourself..
Its nice but this is not always the case...i mean according to me politics is the main ice breaker in gatherings......just my perception
hmm, well nice to get that opinion there Akanksha :) now i know what to talk to you about when i meet u at 'social gatherings' :D
very true :) i do the same... :p
lol.....well welcum bak prateek.....hope u wont take the long breaks again... :D
@ Aashi
Its lack of time and ideas that make you take the break! Lets see what the future holds in store..
Well said sir...Most of the times that works...:)
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