What else? Nothing much..
Day in and Day out as people talk, on the phone, chat, scrap, post or any of the many means made available to mankind, they think. They think about a lot of stuff, stuff that includes work, office, friends, party, hanging out, sports, deadlines,food, money, MBA and so on... There's so much that goes on in their head, that even a mind reader couldnt clearly decipher what they are pondering over.
Despite all the thinking, when they are confronted with the million dollar question of asking the other person a conversational question or answering it themselves, then they all meet the same fate.
A Regular conversation between two random people on any given day -
Hey hi? Hows ya?
I am good..
How bout you?
I am good too..
So what else?
Nothing much..
How bout you?
Same here, nothing much ya..
Right then,
tc, byee..
End of Conversation