Monday, March 30, 2009

What else? Nothing much..

What else? Nothing much..

Day in and Day out as people talk, on the phone, chat, scrap, post or any of the many means made available to mankind, they think. They think about a lot of stuff, stuff that includes work, office, friends, party, hanging out, sports, deadlines,food, money, MBA and so on... There's so much that goes on in their head, that even a mind reader couldnt clearly decipher what they are pondering over.

Despite all the thinking, when they are confronted with the million dollar question of asking the other person a conversational question or answering it themselves, then they all meet the same fate.
A Regular conversation between two random people on any given day -
Hey hi? Hows ya?
I am good..
How bout you?
I am good too..
So what else?
Nothing much..
How bout you?
Same here, nothing much ya..
Right then,
tc, byee..
End of Conversation

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Abey Mos ki toh!

Abey Mos ki toh!

There are these 'friends' in your life who are for some weird reason very close to you, finding their way around without you approving of their presence. They are irritating, very irritating, whatever they say ends up sounding like just sound, nothing more. They make it a point to disturb you at the oddest of hours. Its not as if they dont have other friends, they do, infact lots of them, that too from varied backgrounds, but they all are equally irksome. Day, Night, Evening, Mid Night, they'll be there..they'll be there to suck your blood! They are so annoying, that thinking of them just makes one go "Abey Mos ki toh!"

Zzzzzz Zzzzzz Zzzzzz..See here they are..

Have a Good Knight,it keeps them away.
Right then, Over and All Out.
Also spelt Mos qui to

Friday, March 06, 2009

To BathE or not to BathE

To BathE or not to BathE

Shakespeare once said - To be or not to be, that is the question.. When you read between the lines u realise he was talking about bathing.

Each day as we wake up, we are already somewhat late. Once late, why should one spend unnecessary time on things not that necessary. There is an office to go to/a lecture to attend/a school bus to catch. With so many important things at hand, it is but a wise decision to skip the unwanted. Now why do people make such a hue and cry for a matter as nonsensical as bathing. Isnt there other important stuff to do.

And if your argument is that "Eeww thats grose, how can one not take a bath everyday!", then while it is acceptable for Summers, why spoil one's winters! I mean without the heat and dust, doesnt one generally stay clean that time of the year??