Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yes i No

Yes i No

You are standing lost on the road in an unknown corner of the city. You have to get to this certain place really soon, and you are very close, but still a little far. You look around, unable to find any signages that will lead you to your destination. There's no option left, you have to act the stranger that you are.

So you approach the nearest living being you can set your eyes on, and just suddenly pop the question "Excuse me, could you tell me the way to this address please?" Now when you catch people unaware, you hit them where it hurts most. Apparently, the person u've asked is new to the locality as well, but naa naa, that aint gonna stop him from taking a shot at this. So he starts, "Lets see....hmm.. u have to go to D Block right? hmmm...D - 236" pause "hmm...well this is A Block, F Block is at the far left...J is on the extreme right...hmm...so...D should be somewhere in the middle.... i think" And you say"...ok".

So, that was help. That was help?? I mean why cant people simply say 'No', when they dont know the answer to something! Why the compulsory habit of trying, as if this is the one answer which will make you win the million dollars. And its not even that if you quit, you end up losing all the money you've won so far. Infact, on second thoughts, there is no money to begin with!

All said and done, i dont really know the answer to this question. How about you? Do you know? Come give it a shot, you know.


Deepali said...

And now let me have a go at putting up the pretence of knowing :D

Even if there's no money to win, the ego's at stake , I think. And then , you got nothing to lose, only the one who might end up at a wrong destination has! :P

Richa said...

It is in our blood actually :). We, Indians, are very helpful and always ready to help others. I am also doing the same thing. I do not know the exact answer of your question but still trying...bcaz i follow the dictum 'Try n Try U will Succeed'. So, I think there is no harm in trying ;)

Dil Chahta hai ki ... jane bhi do yaro said...

Well said. but this happens with only good people who doesnt feel happy to say no for a help. they feel that little help is better than no help.i have also came across people who bluntely say i dont know, ask someone else and trust me its not good to hear those words when u desperately needs help. so answers like these will confuse u for sure but will not make u sad

Prateek Shah said...

@ Deepali - Well i do agree with your going at knowing shot! Its all about the ego, isnt it.

@ Richa - Yes, Indians , the good hearted human beings will keep trying till they succeed, be it at the cost of others in this case :D

@ Jasleen - hmm, feeling good and all, eh? Guess thats a part as well, although wonder how good one feels when he/she reaches the wrong destination!

Ismeet said...
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Ismeet said...

Cool...so true.
I wont add to the reasons coz they have already been put. :)

btw what do u do if someone ask's you for directions?
i bet you do the same. :P

Prateek Shah said...

@ Ismeet - hahaha :D well honestly yes, many a times i do it too! :) was first gonna write it based on me, but then thought of turning the tables around :)

Meira said...

yup, I've been (mis)guided a lot too. These days I ask multiple people...and then take the route that gets maximum votes :D
else, keep the Eichers' handy alla time :D

Prateek Shah said...

@ Meira - well thats interesting :) going with the votes.. as for the Eicher idea, thats got me thinking, r they the perfect answer to this problem?? if yes, then i shud get in touch wid dem to somewhat sponsor this blog post :D

dhara said...

we cant accept that we dont know d answer and dats y we try and answer nething which is not at al related ....dats our habit and we cant change it!!

TJ Lubrano said...

That's soo true! Usually when I have to ask for directions I also ask multiple people, just be sure. If someone asks me for directions and I don't know it....well I just say 'Sorry, I'm not from around here' or 'Sorry, can't help you with this'.

It's easier to to be honest. But I can't deny that in the past (and sometimes even now) I tried to help people even if I don't know it for sure. And whenever this was the case I usually walked with that person to find another one, especially if they are really desperate, like an elderly lady. I can't just let them stand there, now can I ^_^.

Prateek Shah said...

@ Dhara - Yes, we can't do 'Sach ka Saamna'! and end up just saying something or the other even if we dont have a clue.

@ TJ - Well u must be a clean, good hearted soul, and thats why the honesty :) not everyone wud simply say no. And as u mentioned, its a really nice habit to help people find the way with the assistance of others.

kuldeeplaheru.blogspot.com said...

Here it's just an EGO... I have a question here... Why don't people say GO to EGO while it only hurts in the end?

Prateek Shah said...

@ Kuldeep - well said :) people shud maybe say Go to Ego, else its definitely gonna hurt at the end :)

TJ Lubrano said...

@ Prateek: That was a very nice thing to say! Thank you so much ^_^

Prateek Shah said...

@ TJ - Oh, thats alright :)